The Problem: A SAAS brand wanted to build a robust marketing team to unlock growth opportunities.

The client, a forward-thinking technology company based in Sydney, Australia, consistently pushed the boundaries of innovation. Their latest software represented a groundbreaking leap in technology – by seamlessly connecting people, devices, and data. Despite the software’s transformative potential, the client faced a challenge that many tech innovators encounter; scaling their marketing efforts to reach a wider audience and attract new customers.

Although the client had a responsive well-built website and a reasonable online presence, their current marketing strategy primarily relied on attending industry conferences and traditional advertising methods, which provided limited reach and engagement with their target audience. They were looking to onboard new members to their marketing team to assist the marketing manager in strengthening the company’s online presence through SEO, social media, advertising, and other digital marketing channels.

Key goals:

  1. Increase brand visibility and recognition in the target market.
  2. Enhance the brand's reputation and credibility.
  3. Generate high-quality leads and increase the conversion rate from leads to customers.
  4. Optimise website traffic and user experience.
  5. Develop strategies to retain existing customers and encourage repeat business.
  6. Expand the customer base in specific target demographics and markets.

Key requirements: 

  1. Experienced marketers 
  2. A convenient time zone for collaboration, and
  3. The ability to onboard quickly to kickstart the project.

The Solution: Remote Office delivered the best pool of pre-vetted talents

Exploration call

a. Understanding the Client's Needs:

Our journey began with a deep dive into the client's vision and the challenges they faced in scaling their team. Through a collaborative process, we gained a comprehensive understanding of their high-level aspirations and the specific pain points hindering their growth.

b. Building a Strategic Roadmap:

Following the discovery call, we conducted a thorough audit to identify the critical path to success. This comprehensive analysis provided the foundation for crafting a strategic team structure specifically designed to meet the client's unique needs and goals.

  • Content Strategist
  • Growth Marketer specialising in organic and paid search engine marketing
  • Graphic designer

Assembling the Dream Team:

Armed with a clear understanding of the client's requirements, our sourcing team went into action. With unwavering dedication, they set off the process of meticulously identifying and vetting top talent across diverse roles.


Remote Office takes the complexity out of scaling your marketing team with our strategic, technology-driven approach. Here's how we ensured a seamless and efficient talent acquisition experience for the client.

a. Pre-Onboarding Excellence:

A dedicated HR concierge meticulously crafted and implemented a pre-onboarding experience in compliance with local regulations, ensuring a smooth transition for new hires from initial contact to joining the team. The HR concierge talked to the client-side stakeholders to gain a comprehensive understanding of their specific requirements for each role and overall expectations from the marketing team. Based on these insights, they created a broad yet targeted job description, allowing for efficient screening and vetting of potential candidates

b. Intelligent Matching:

Our RPA-powered recruitment system and sophisticated candidate matching algorithm leveraged our extensive pre-vetted community of top-tier talent to identify the initial pool of candidates who perfectly aligned with the client’s unique requirements. To further widen the initial pool of qualified candidates, the team collaborated with the client to design and run targeted advertising campaigns using the FREE Ad credits provided by Remote Office.

c. Rigorous Selection Process:

These handpicked industry experts underwent a customised 3-step selection procedure,

Resume screening and vetting: We initiated the hiring process with resume screening and an initial round of interviews to carefully evaluate candidates and ensure a strong cultural fit.

Machine-led interviews: The selected candidates underwent machine-led interviews to provide us with a comprehensive insight into their skills and experience.**

Technical tests were administered to the candidates who made it through the earlier stages**.

**All assessments and interview questions were designed in collaboration with the client and were tailored to meet the requirements outlined by the client.

Client-led final interview:  Results from all preceding stages, along with comments and advice from our talent acquisition experts and client service managers were shared with the client. The client then selected the candidates that he wanted to meet in the final round. This ensured a streamlined and efficient use of their time.

Client-Centric Transparency:

Throughout the process, the Remote Office App enabled the client to

  • Access the candidate pipeline: Monitor progress, and identify potential candidates.
  • Review interviews and technical tests: Gain valuable insights into candidate performance.
  • Focus on final interviews: Engage only with candidates that meet their success criteria.

Streamlined Interview Process:

With Remote Office managing the initial screening and interview procedures, our clients were able to streamline the hiring process into a few simple steps:

  • Reviewing recorded interviews of potential candidates
  • Reviewing technical test results to assess their relevance to the company's needs
  • Engaging in a final round of interviews to evaluate candidates' skills and cultural fit

Proven Success:

"Remote Office's services was invaluable to our hiring process. They connected us with an excellent pool of qualified candidates, streamlining our search for the perfect fit. The interview and onboarding process was smooth and efficient, ensuring a seamless transition for our new hires. We were highly impressed with the professionalism and dedication of the Remote Office team."

Satisfied Client

"Remote Office opens the door to an exceptional talent pool and a remarkably efficient hiring process. They made it easy to assemble the marketing team that aligned with our business objectives. The quality of candidates they provided is top-notch, and their support throughout the recruitment journey is unmatched. With Remote Office, we felt empowered to build the perfect team for our company's success."


a. Ensuring a Smooth Transition:

Once the candidates were selected, our dedicated vHR team orchestrated a secure onboarding session. This session played a crucial role in seamlessly integrating the new remote marketing team into the company culture, fostering a sense of belonging from day one.

b. Building a High-Performing Team:

To further support their success, we appointed a Service delivery manager (certified Scrum Master) to the team. The service delivery manager ensured the new hires were equipped with the necessary tools, resources, and knowledge to become productive and impactful team members.

c. Unlocking Agile Potential:

The Service Delivery Manager became the team's champion of agility, adaptability, and continuous improvement by

  • Facilitating collaboration and communication among team members, fostering a strong sense of teamwork and synergy.
  • Inculcating Scrum/sprint disciplines, ensuring efficient project management and meeting deadlines.
  • Guiding the team on retrospective principles, encouraging continuous reflection and improvement based on past experiences.
  • Nurturing a reporting culture with clear communication and transparent expectations.
  • Promoting a KPI culture for effective performance measurement and goal setting.
  • Introducing iteration techniques for efficient work management and problem-solving.

d. Ongoing Support and Virtual Culture Development:

While the Service Delivery Manager focused on the team's internal dynamics, our vHR team continued to collaborate with the client. This collaboration focused on:

  • Co-creating a thriving virtual culture to foster a sense of connection and belonging among geographically dispersed team members.
  • Establishing virtual event and ceremony rituals to celebrate achievements and milestones, further strengthening team spirit and morale.
  • Assisting the client in leveraging the Remote Office App to manage and monitor employee leaves, attendance, and performance with ease, allowing you to focus on strategic initiatives.
By combining seamless onboarding, expert guidance, and ongoing support, we empowered the remote marketing team to thrive and become a valuable asset to the organisation.

The Results: Quantity, Quality & Speed

Working with Remote Office, the client was able to build a robust marketing team to position the brand as a pioneer in the tech industry and expand its customer base.

  • Increase brand awareness and user acquisition within their target audience segments.
  • Attract a wider audience with marketing messages that resonate with their target audience, leading to increased user engagement and interest.
  • Effectively communicate their value proposition clearly and engagingly, leading to a significant increase in user acquisition and conversion rates.

The client was able to penetrate new markets with the new marketing team to increase revenue by 54% within the first year. 

The Future: Looking for Skilled Marketers?

Our commitment to client success extends beyond the initial hiring process. The marketing team continues to be a vital part of the client’s growth strategy. 

  • Regular updates: Keeping you informed about the progress of marketing initiatives and ensuring alignment with your goals.
  • Tracking and analysing key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. 
  • Monitoring and analysing market trends to identify opportunities for growth.
  • Dedicated support: Offering responsive and expert assistance whenever needed.

Peace of Mind with Compliance Expertise

By partnering with Remote Office, you gain the confidence of knowing that compliance with local employment laws, taxes, and benefits is expertly managed on your behalf. This frees you to focus on core business activities and avoid potential administrative burdens

Build a team of niche Marketers with Remote Office

Embrace the Future of Work:

As the global workforce evolves, companies are increasingly embracing the power of remote teams. However, finding and managing high-quality talent can be complex. This is where Remote Office excels.

We act as a bridge, connecting you with a global pool of exceptional marketers with diverse skill sets including Search engine marketing, search engine optimisation, social media marketing, PPC advertising, and email marketing. This platform empowers businesses to discover the ideal candidates tailored to their specific requirements.

We enable you to expedite the hiring process by connecting you to our exclusive community of pre-vetted developers.‍

Build your dream team with Remote Office and experience the advantages of a skilled, agile, and compliant remote workforce. Let's drive innovation together.

Our process is simple:

  1. Tell us about your technical hiring needs.
  2. We’ll find qualified candidates for you to interview.
  3. You hire your favourite(s) while we manage the paperwork * and day-to-day management of the team.

We have remote marketers in every niche and varying levels of experience, so you are certain to find the ideal candidate.

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Let’s discover your team
At Remote Office, we understand that the right team is the cornerstone of business growth. That's why we've transformed team building into an art, effortlessly guiding you through finding the perfect fit. Imagine shaping your ideal team from anywhere, with the expertise of a virtual HR partner at your fingertips. Our platform isn't just about team creation; it's a strategic ally in your journey to scale and succeed. Engage with our obligation-free tool and experience the power of tailored team-building, designed to address your unique business needs.
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Remote office: global community of pre-vetted top talents